China Analysis Digest #25
China Analysis Digest aggregates and lists new China-related analyses. Thanks to Katharina Ni for the magic (codes) that makes this series possible.
Issue: 2021/25
- Date range: August 13-19, 2021
- Sources scanned: 86
- Content: 211 publications from 47 sources
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China Story:
- China’s Publishing Industry: Past as a Mirror to the Present
- The Chinese Civil War: the peril of mobilization
Made in China Journal:
China Media Project:
- Beijing’s Approach to Trustworthy AI Isn’t So Dissimilar from the World’s
- What If Chinese Leaders Were on LinkedIn?
War on the Rocks:
- A Thorough Explanation of China’s Long-Term Strategy
- Mind the Gap: How China’s Civilian Shipping Could Enable a Taiwan Invasion
- China’s Silos: New Intelligence, Old Problems
China Brief:
- Xinhua Infiltrates Western Electronic Media, Part 2: Relationships with News Agencies and Distribution Services
- Expanding China’s Central Asia Playbook to Afghanistan
- ‘Lips and Teeth’: The Enduring China-North Korea Relationship
- China’s New Biosecurity Law Gives Limited Insight into Government Priorities and Next Steps
Project Syndicate:
The Atlantic:
The Economist:
- In Sierra Leone, a Chinese port-building plan raises ire
- How Chinese factory-workers express their views on life
Monkey Cage:
- A Chinese airport project in Zanzibar floundered. Here’s what the new G-7 infrastructure plan can learn.
- Has Japan’s policy toward the Taiwan Strait changed?
Australian Financial Review:
Lowy Interpreter:
- China’s new silos: Nuclear arms control more urgent than ever
- Economic diplomacy: Burning down the house
East Asia Forum:
- Taiwan invasion doesn’t hang in the military balance
- Australia’s luck in handling Chinese trade coercion
- China’s quiet diplomacy behind the ‘wolf warriors’
- US–China rivalry needs more clarity and less polarity
- Beijing hasn’t sunk the Hong Kong financial ship yet
Pearls and Irritations:
The Strategist:
Sixth Tone:
- How Manners Matter to Chinese Diplomat Fu Ying
- The Long, Lonely Struggle With a Schizophrenic Son
- Falling in Love With China’s Most Risqué — and Risky — Genre
- Plugging the Hole in China’s Disaster Recovery Budget
- A ‘Yellow Miracle’: How a Sprinter Became a Racial Icon
- China’s Master of Fireworks on the Art of the Explosion
- For China’s ‘Traffic Stars,’ a Sudden Crash
- The Nonbinary Chinese Fighting to Live Their Truth
- The Lasting Trauma of China’s Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors
China Digital Times:
- Is Getting Rich Still Glorious? Xi Targets Wealth Inequality
- Alibaba #MeToo Case Shines Light On Toxic Corporate Cultures
- Word of the Week: “Taliban in Spirit”
- The Historical Nihil-list: Cyberspace Administration Targets Top Ten Deviations From Approved History
- Translation: Pepper Tribe, Online Platform for Female Chinese Workers, Shut Down
- Petitioner Asked to Foot the Bill for Her Own “Stability Maintenance”
- Translation: Imaginary Friends and the Fruitless Search for Wilson Edwards
- China’s business operations in Africa may have a human rights problem
- China is policing speech that supports “living with Covid”
Inside Story:
Politico China Watcher:
- U.S. commitment to Taiwan under scrutiny after Afghanistan's fall
- Adm. Faller: China exploiting corruption in Latin America
Politico China Direct:
The Wire China:
- What Happens to U.S. Colleges After China?
- The Dangers of Xi Jinping’s ‘Magic Swords’
- Special Delivery
- David Lubin on the Appeal of the ‘Beijing Consensus’
- Anta Goes All In On China
- Does ‘common prosperity’ mean the end of capitalism in China?
- Soul-searching in Taiwan after Afghan fiasco, but is it just ‘immature bedwetting’?
- Burning the British mission in Beijing
- China steps up antitrust campaign with new draft rules targeting internet companies
- Chengdu: A visual monologue
- Chinese history through the prism of its leaders
- ‘Not the outcome China wanted’: Why a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan makes Beijing anxious
- Calls intensify for a boycott of Beijing 2022
- As tattoo art flourishes, will China’s censors tighten their grip?
- The Chinese Money Behind Oatly?
- Drinking culture and sexual misconduct at Alibaba
- China affirms tech crackdown will continue with more regulations rolling out through 2025
- Barred from tutoring children, Chinese test-prep giant wants to educate parents
- Peter Martin on what makes China’s diplomats tick — and so ticked off
Center for Strategic and International Studies:
Center for Advanced China Research:
- Levelling the playing field in maritime shipping
- Angela Stanzel: "China’s interest in Afghanistan is to protect its border"
- China’s digital paradox
- Jane Duckett on China handling the pandemic
- Beijing increasingly tolerant of economic damage for political gain
- Briefing: Regulatory crackdown + Afghanistan + Delta outbreak
National Bureau of Asian Research:
Observer Research Foundation:
- Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack
- How China aims to augment its military strength using AI
- Young Indians distrust China, Pakistan; rate pandemic, economy as big challenges
The Conversation:
- How the crisis in container ships could ruin Christmas
- Indonesia tries to embrace Chinese language but problems persist
- Australia is at risk of taking the wrong tack at the Glasgow climate talks, and slamming China is only part of it
- From ground zero to zero tolerance – how China learnt from its COVID response to quickly stamp out its latest outbreak
- As Afghanistan falls, what does it mean for the Middle East?
- The coal price has skyrocketed in 2021 – what does it mean for net zero?
The Diplomat:
- China’s Political Calculations and Potential Options in Afghanistan
- China’s Shipping Delays Are Costing African Economies
- How Should Australia Respond to China’s Arbitrary Detentions?
- How China and Japan are Competing Over Indonesia’s Car Industry
- China Blames US for Chaos in Afghanistan But Offers Cooperation Toward Stability
- In China, ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ Is the Only Accepted Religion
- China’s Digital Nationalism and Activism
- A New Way to Explain – and Predict – China’s Economic Policymaking
- The Taliban: China’s Deal With the Devil in Afghanistan
- Laos-China Railway on Track for December Opening: Official
- Chinese Media’s Conflicting Narratives on the Myanmar Coup
- A Visit to Pangong Lake
- Long-Range Conventional Precision Strike: Taiwan’s Post-Nuclear Deterrent?
- Water With Your Chips? Semiconductors and Water Scarcity in China
- What’s Behind Lithuania’s Outreach to Taiwan?
- China’s Insurtech Crackdown: Tech Saga Continues
- Japan’s Military Role in the Indo-Pacific
- What the Fall of Afghanistan Means for Taiwan
Foreign Policy:
- China Is the Biggest Winner From Africa’s New Free Trade Bloc
- China Won’t Repeat America’s Mistakes in Afghanistan
- China Is Protecting Its Thin Corridor to the Afghan Heartland
- China Is Repeating U.S. Mistakes With Its Own Global Arrogance
- Belarus and Hong Kong Are Building the 21st Century’s Berlin Walls
- Hong Kong’s Liberties Are Dying but Business Lives On
- 30,000 US troops in Taiwan?
- Beijing’s 'cleansing' of Hong Kong industries: Who will be the next target?
- Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou: Politics rather than law may decide her fate
- 'Afghanistan today, Taiwan tomorrow’?
- Japanese researcher: Japan-US-Taiwan lawmaker exchanges unavoidable now that China is a world power
- Inroads for China in a Taliban-led Afghanistan?
- A tall order: US policy effort in SEA amid rising Chinese influence
- Can the West's infrastructure plans rival China's BRI?
- Will the US’s ‘integrated deterrence’ keep China in check?
- Why China is regulating the property market
- Why no country can win the chip war
- More young and single Chinese women buying properties in China's top-tier cities
- Extreme weather could become the norm, but Chinese cities are not ready for it
- China's tutoring crackdown: It is not a random act by the Chinese government
- China’s tutoring crackdown: Is the Chinese government prepared for its consequences?
- Chinese economics professor: Why we should not profit from natural disasters
- Alibaba sexual assault case: China’s ugly drinking culture is a show of power
What's on Weibo:
- ‘Call Me By Fire’ All-Male Variety Show Becomes Social Media Hit
- “I Deeply Love My Motherland!” – Chinese Actor Zhang Zhehan Under Fire for Yasukuni and Nogi Shrine Photos
- Zhang Xifeng’s “Countryside Pig” Speech Still Lingers on Social Media
- China’s Crackdown on Tutoring Schools: Concerned Parents and Teachers on Weibo
- Did 'the Wuhan lab' spend $606 mln on air conditioning/ventilation?
- Connecting some of the dots before Meituan sheds $60 bln in valuation
Tracking People's Daily:
- Xi Calls Iran & Iraq - China on Taliban's 'Positive Signals' - Wang 'Appreciates' Dasu Attack Probe - Xi Thought Series: Party Discipline & Caging Power - Gig-Economy Workers' Rights
- Common Prosperity & Financial Risks - Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure - Xi Thought Series: Loyal, Clean and Responsible Cadres & Formalism and Bureaucracy - NDU on Defense Modernisation
- New Xi Books - State Council on Covid, Disasters, Employment & Commodities - Wang Lectures Blinken - Demand-Supply Gap in Employment - Xi Thought Series: ‘low-level red’ & ‘high-level black'
- Party's Political Construction - Xi Thought Series Emphasises Party's Revolutionary Nature - Lei Feng Spirit - Yasukuni Shrine Controversy - US & COVID
- Xiaokang & Human Rights - Endorsing Pak Terror Attack Probe - Party & Rule of Law - Governing by Constitution vs Constitutionalism - Frontier Work Assessment - Heilongjiang Flood
- Rule of Law Guideline - SCS Commentary - Xi Thought on Socialist Rule of Law - Beijing's High-speed Test Zone for Autonomous Vehicles - XPCC Spirit - One-China Principle
Eye on China:
Beijing to Britain:
China Dialogue:
Hong Kong Free Press:
- Friends no more: how Hong Kong’s rulers turned against the protest group they once worked with
- The Tong Ying-kit case: First show trial of Hong Kong’s new mainland-style legal regime
- The main risk to the University of Hong Kong’s reputation is its own governing council
Taiwan Insight:
- A Geothermal Solution to the Problems and Risks in Taiwan’s Electricity System
- Zenly, Dumplings, and Bad Girls: surveillance and social work in Wanhua
- The Taiwan-Australia Partnership: An Observation
- 一分为四的美国
- 从延安整风到中共七大
- 气候变化“红色预警”呼唤人类自救
- 拜登对华战略中的对台政策∶战略定位与战略竞争
- “无名者”的出场
- 阿富汗是西方民主乌托邦主义的大失败
- 东京奥运会
- 数字经济如何创造实际价值
- 中国饮食史上的几次突破
- 中国和美国
- 冯涛的世界
- 准确把握国家统一进程中的三个基本概念
- 知识,如何才是力量
- 百年未有之大变局下的新结构经济学自主理论创
- 乡村振兴办,办啥?
- 中美竞争需要斗智斗勇不斗气
- 领导 老师 “同学”
- 《政学私言》中的钱穆法治思想及其当代意义
- 对母校的怀念
- 太平天国再评价——金田起义170周年之反思
- 总结党的历史经验 加强党的政治建设
- 加强政治建设 确保全党步调一致向前进
- 深入学习贯彻习近平总书记“七一”重要讲话精神
- 自觉扛起把党建设得更加坚强有力的政治责任
- 坚定不移加强党的政治建设
- 党的政治建设是党的根本性建设
- 自觉担负起“两个维护”特殊使命和重大责任
- 在正风肃纪反腐实践中提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力
- 在新征程上严肃认真开展党内政治生活
- 坚定不移加强党的政治监督
- 中国共产党为中华民族建立了伟大历史功勋
- 砥砺奋进七十载 继往开来谱新篇
- 坚守和弘扬全人类共同价值
- 中国共产党历史展览馆:展示中国共产党奋斗历史的精神殿堂
- 电视专题片《人民的小康》:全面建成小康社会的壮丽画卷
- “学习贯彻习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话精神”理论研讨会综述
- 党员同志要主动回应群众期盼
- 经济社会发展统计图表:第七次全国人口普查京津冀、长江经济带、长江三角洲人口情况
- “七一勋章”获得者:“护海模范”王书茂
- 人海茫茫,周围有谁是共产党员
- 毛泽东倡导长征精神的历史意义与现实启示
- 刘少奇的读书学习生涯
- 从三个论断理解马克思主义同中华优秀传统文化的关系
- 增强全面从严治党永远在路上的政治自觉
- 一切精神必源于人民、源于实践、源于斗争
- 伟大建党精神与中华民族伟大复兴
- 中国共产党的创建与中华民族伟大复兴
- 实现中华民族伟大复兴的正确道路(深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想)
- 杨明伟:共同富裕何以成为中国全面小康后的“中心课题”?
- 发扬抗美援朝精神 做有骨气的中国人
- 心手相牵,共筑雪域高原中国梦
- 在高质量发展中促进共同富裕 统筹做好重大金融风险防范化解工作
- 习近平同志《论把握新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局》主要篇目介绍
- 习近平同志《论把握新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局》出版发行