China Analysis Digest #101
A weekly list of new China-related analyses.
Date range: April 10-17, 2023
Sources scanned: 118
Publications: 173 (English), 33 (Chinese)
China Watching
China Heritage
China Media Project
Opinion Pages
Wall Street Journal
- A New American Grand Strategy to Counter Russia and China
- China Eyes Commercial Ships in a Move to Intimidate Taiwan
Nikkei Asia
- Why China's C919 is flying while Mitsubishi's SpaceJet isn't
- France's Macron is sending China the wrong signals
- CPTPP members now have to figure out what to do about China
- Marcos is bringing in more friends to help deter China
South China Morning Post
- As US plays the blame game, China takes the higher road on Afghanistan
- Hong Kong needs new ideas to successfully develop innovation and tech
- The Taiwan question is for Beijing – not the US – to resolve
- How Hong Kong must change to reap the rewards of the Asian century
- Chinese culture has the power to unite – even in the US
China Story