China Scholarship Digest #18
China Scholarship Digest is a monthly list of new China-related academic research.
Articles published in December 2022
69 journals scanned
100 articles from 24 journals
Chinese Studies
Journal of Contemporary China
- Political Events and Cultural Othering: Impact of Protests and Elections on Identities in Post-Handover Hong Kong, 1997–2021
- In the Pursuit of the Constructed Truth: Courtroom Questioning as a Persuasive Genre of Talk
- China’s Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Policy Development in an Emergent Community of Practice
"Extant literature has not fully accounted for the changes underway in China’s perspectives on the ethical risks of artificial intelligence (AI). This article develops a community-of-practice (CoP) approach to the study of Chinese policymaking in the field of AI. It shows that the Chinese approach to ethical AI emerges from the communication of practices of a relatively stable group of actors from three domains—the government, academia, and the private sector. This Chinese CoP is actively cultivated and led by government actors. The paper draws attention to CoP configurations during collective situated-learning and problem-solving among its members that inform the evolution of Chinese ethical concerns of AI. In so doing, it demonstrates how a practice-oriented approach can contribute to interpreting Chinese politics on AI governance."
China Quarterly
"This research report measures changes in China's public diplomacy after a May 2021 collective study session of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo [which] examined the country's global communications strategy and fuelled speculation about what might change in China's external communications, particularly with regard to its “wolf warrior” diplomats...we develop and validate a measure of “wolf warrior diplomacy” rhetoric and apply it to over 200,000 tweets from nearly 200 institutional, media and diplomatic Twitter accounts....[we found] After [May 2021], PRC diplomats in the OECD moderated their tweets in comparison to non-OECD diplomats, but we do not detect a major re-orientation of PRC communication strategies. These findings have relevance for scholars of Chinese foreign policy, nationalism and public diplomacy."
- Centralized Law Enforcement in Contemporary China: The Campaign to “Sweep Away Black Societies and Eradicate Evil Forces”
- Accommodating China's Floating Population: Local Variations and Determinants of Housing Policies for Rural Migrant Workers
- Back to Cheap Labour? Increasing Employment and Wage Disparities in Contemporary China
"After nearly two decades of rising wages for those in the unskilled sectors of China's economy, in the mid-2010s employment and wages in China began to experience new polarizing trends. Using data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China, this paper examines trends in multiple sectors and subeconomies of China, revealing the substantial rise of employment in informal, low-skilled services as well as the steady decline of wage growth in the informal subeconomy. At the same time, we find that although employment growth in the formal subeconomy is relatively moderate, wage growth in high-skilled services is steadily rising. These two trends pose a challenge for China, presenting a new and uncertain period of economic change."
- Contracting Welfare Services to Social Organizations in China: Multiple Logics
- Judicializing Environmental Politics? China's Procurator-led Public Interest Litigation against the Government
- Chinese Celebrities’ Political Signalling on Sina Weibo
"In China, celebrities can dominate public discourse and shape popular culture, but they are under the state's close gaze. Recent studies have revealed how the state disciplines and co-opts celebrities to promote patriotism, foster traditional values and spread political propaganda. However, how do celebrities adapt to the changing political environment? Focusing on political signalling on the social media platform Sina Weibo, we analyse a novel dataset and find that the vast majority of top celebrities repost from official accounts of government agencies and state media outlets, though there are variations. Younger celebrities with more followers tend to repost from official accounts more often. Celebrities from Taiwan tend to repost less than those from the mainland and Hong Kong, despite being subject to the same rules. However, the frequent political signalling by the most influential celebrities among younger generations suggests that the state has co-opted celebrity influence on social media to broadly promote its political objectives."
China: An International Journal
- The Surge of Nationalist Sentiment among Chinese Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Evaluating the Promotion of China's Local Middle-level Cadres: The Role of Professional Résumés
- From Government–Society to Party–Masses: The Community Governance Mode Change in Shenzhen
- The Place of Social Networks in the Chinese Environmental Movement: Influence, Identity Formation and Activism
- Co-optation or Coercion: Protest Targeting and Mass Violence in China
"Analysing a unique data set of protest events in China between 2006 and 2017, the authors find that protests involving administrative divisions are significantly less likely to turn violent when compared to those opposing nongovernmental targets, while protests targeting judicial or security divisions are significantly more likely to involve mass violence. The findings suggest that protest violence in authoritarian regimes is associated with the organisational divisions within an authoritarian government, and the explanation of the relations focuses on whether the branches have the co-optation capacity to allocate substantial economic resources instead of whether the branches control the coercive forces to intimidate the public."
- Economic Impacts of Confucius Institutes and Taiwan Education Centers on Taiwan
- Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Can Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Help Enhance the Capital Structure Stability of Host Companies?: Evidence from China
- Is Intensive Accountability Conducive to the Implementation of COVID-19 Pandemic Containment Policies? An Empirical Study of Accountability, Blame Avoidance and Public Service Motivation
China Review
- New Sectors, New Spaces, and China's Evolving State–Firm Relations
- State–Firm Relations in Knowledge Sourcing for Regional Innovation: The Rise of the Robotics Industry in Dongguan, China
- Hierarchically Differentiated Dynamics of State–Business Relations in Regional Innovation: Building National Enterprise Technology Centers in China's Greater Bay Area
- (Re)shaping Urban Governance through State–Business Interaction in Inland China's Emerging Industries
- Strategic State–Firm Relations for the Belt and Road Initiative: A Geoeconomics Reading
- The "Follow-Up Checks" of Poverty Alleviation: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Government Behavior in Policy Implementation
- Steering China's Economic Reform and Cross-Strait Integration Under "Top-Level Design": The Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone
- Living with the State-Led Order: Practical Acceptance and Unawareness of the Chinese Middle Class
- Social Construction of Target Groups and Policy Design: Lessons from the Housing Policy for Migrant Workers in China
- Rural-Urban Sexual Divide in China: Quantitative Evidence on Comparing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People's Lives in Rural and Urban China
- Empowering the Subordinate in Multi-Layered Contexts
Asian Studies
Journal of Contemporary Asia
"Under the BRI, Chinese policymakers have focused on exporting railway systems to developing countries, yet progress on some projects remains limited. This article focuses on delays associated with a planned railway project in Pakistan: the ML-1. It answers the following question: What explains delays in the ML-1 railway project despite strong Chinese interest in it? The article...highlights the role of railway bureaucrats involved in project-level negotiations. It shows that local bureaucrats contribute to delays by actively negotiating technical parameters. Chinese firms have limited policy levers to ensure their acquiescence... [Moreover,] the article places delays in the context of Pakistan’s political economy by analysing the role of the political and military elite. It also explores the impact of political change and economic factors on the project. Projects not in sync with the local political elites’ development vision face delays. Domestic political changes also contribute to delays. Furthermore, a failure to gain major veto actors’ support, coupled with economic problems and differences over financing terms, constrains China’s ability to pursue large-scale projects."
Asian Studies Review