4 min read

China Scholarship Digest #1

Academic research on China

Hi folks, welcome to the first issue of the China Scholarship Digest. This new series essentially does the same thing with respect to academic research as the weekly China Analysis Digest does to shorter analyses and opinion articles: scan, aggregate, list. We hope to publish this series once every quarter.

To help us with sources, could you send me the names of the academic journals that you’d like to see in the digest? They can be in English or Chinese. Thanks.


The China Scholarship Digest aggregates and lists new China-related academic research. We also publish the weekly China Analysis Digest for shorter analyses and opinion articles.

Thanks to Katharina Ni for the magic (codes) that makes this series possible.

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Issue: Q2/2021

  • Date range: April-June 2021
  • Sources scanned: 5
  • Content: 53 publications from 5 sources

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