China Scholarship Digest #4
Issue: October 2021
- Articles published in October 2021
- Sources scanned: 54 journals
- Content: 40 articles from 21 journals
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Chinese Studies
Journal of Contemporary China
- The Crackdown on Rights-Advocacy NGOs in Xi’s China: Politicizing the Law and Legalizing the Repression*
- China and Authoritarian Collaboration
- China’s International Talent Policy (ITP): The Changes and Driving Forces, 1978-2020
- A Rational Policy Design or Contingent Historical Creation? Considering the Emergence of China’s Distributed Solar Power Generation Regime
- Censorship in the Semi-Private Domain: A Theory of Cross-Domain Variation and Evidence from WeChat
- A Question of Human Rights or Human Left? – the ‘People’s War against COVID-19’ under the ‘Gridded Management’ System in China
China Quarterly
- On the Informal Rules of the Chinese Communist Party
- The Paradigm Shift in the Disciplining of Village Cadres in China: From Mao to Xi
- The Political Economy of China's Dramatically Improved Coal Safety Record
Modern China
China Information
Asian Studies
Contemporary Southeast Asia
Journal of Economic History
International Affairs
Asian Security
Security Studies
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific
Journal of Politics
- FDI, Unmet Expectations, and the Prospects of Political Leaders: Evidence from Chinese Investment in Africa
- What Makes Anticorruption Punishment Popular? Individual-Level Evidence from China
Journal of Chinese Governance
- The three legal dimensions of China’s big data governance
- An early assessment of the County Medical Community reform in China: a case study of Zhejiang province
Society & Culture
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
- Southeast Asian Chinese engage a rising China: business associations, institutionalised transnationalism, and the networked state
- Forever foreign? Is there a future for Chinese people in Africa?
- Divergent experiences and patterns of integration: contemporary Chinese immigrants in metropolitan Los Angeles, USA
- Riding on the waves of transformation in the Asia-Pacific: Chinese migration to Australia since the late 1980s
- A hierarchy of aspirations within a field of educational possibilities: the futures of Chinese immigrants in Luxembourg
Global Media and China
Media, Culture & Society
Chinese Sociological Review
- Between reality and perception: the mediating effects of mass media on public opinion toward China
- Rainbow parents and the familial model of tongzhi (LGBT) activism in contemporary China
Chinese Journal of Communication
International Journal of Cultural Policy
- The ‘commodified’ colonial past in small cities: shifting heritage-making from nation-building to city branding in South Korea and Taiwan
- South Korea’s intangible cultural heritage claims and China’s ontological security
Chinese Economic Studies
China Economic Journal
- One year after COVID: the challenges and outlook of Chinese micro-and-small enterprises
- China trade with belt and road countries: the role and impact of institutions
- Wage payments and fixed capital investment in imperfect financial and labor markets: the case of China
Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies
- Directional change for handling tick-to-tick data
- Leaders, institutions and people during Covid-19 : Secret of Asian success
- Economic agglomeration and product quality upgrading: evidence from China
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
- Party alternation and fiscal performance—evidence from Taiwan’s local government
- Impact of homestead housing on the allocation of financial assets of Chinese rural households
Full list of sources scanned:
The China Journal, Journal of Contemporary China, China Quarterly, Modern China, China Information, China: An International Journal, Twentieth-Century China, China Review, Journal of Modern Chinese History, Asia Policy, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Asian Studies Review, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Chinese Studies in History, Chinese Historical Review, Journal of Economic History, International Affairs, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Third World Quarterly, Geopolitics, Survival, European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Strategic Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, International Studies Review, Chinese Journal of International Politics, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Asian Security, Security Studies, RUSI Journal, Review of International Political Economy, Defence and Peace Economics, Pacific Review, Contemporary Security Policy, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, Journal of Democracy, Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Chinese Governance, Political Communication, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Global Media and China, Media, Culture & Society, Chinese Sociological Review, Chinese Journal of Communication, Social Sciences in China, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Chinese Economic Studies, China Economic Journal, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Asia Pacific Business Review, Economic and Political Studies, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.