Official China Digest #10: February 2023 Documents
A monthly list of official Chinese Communist Party and State documents
Official China Digest: Consolidated Document List
The Official China Digest is a monthly publication that lists official Communist Party and Chinese state documents. The digest aims to help you stay up-to-date on the latest official documents from Beijing, including Party directives, regulations, meeting readouts, white papers, articles, speeches,…

1. Party Congress
The 21st Party Congress will likely convene in late-2027.
2. Central Committee
2a. Central Committee Plenary Sessions 中央委员会全体会议
The second plenary session of the 20th Central Committee was held from February 26 to 28, 2023.
2b. Central Documents 中央文件
- 中共中央 国务院印发《数字中国建设整体布局规划》 The Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of Digital China (2023-02-27)
- 中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发《关于加强新时代法学教育和法学理论研究的意见》 Opinions on Strengthening Legal Education and Legal Theory Research in the New Era (2023-02-26)
- 中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发《关于进一步深化改革促进乡村医疗卫生体系健康发展的意见》 Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform to Promote the Healthy Development of the Rural Health Care System (2023-02-23)
- 中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发《关于进一步加强财会监督工作的意见》 Opinions on Further Strengthening the Supervision of Finance and Accounting (2023-02-15)
- 中共中央 国务院关于做好2023年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作的意见 Opinions on the Key Tasks for the Comprehensive Promotion of Rural Revitalisation in 2023 (2023-02-13)
- 中共中央 国务院印发《质量强国建设纲要》 Outline for Building a Strong Nation Based on Quality (2023-02-06)
3. Politburo
3a. Politburo Meetings 中共中央政治局会议
- 中共中央政治局召开会议 决定召开二十届二中全会 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议 Politburo meeting on the Second Plenum (2023-02-21)
Politburo Meeting: Second Plenum Announced
The Politburo met on February 21 and announced the Central Committee Second Plenum dates: February 26 to 28. The Politburo also discussed: 1. the Politburo’s work report to the Central Committee; 2. the draft Party and State Institutions Reform Plan; 3. candidates for top positions in state ins…

3b. Politburo Standing Committee Meetings 中央政治局常务委员会会议
- 中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 听取近期新冠疫情防控工作情况汇报 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议 Politburo Standing Committee meeting on COVID achievements (2023-02-16)
Politburo Standing Committee: China’s COVID Miracle
The Politburo Standing Committee held a meeting on Thursday, February 16. The outcome of the meeting is a triumphant declaration: under the guidance of the Party leadership with Xi Jinping at its core, China has now won the “decisive victory” over COVID-19, “creat[ing] a miracle in the history of

3c. Politburo Group Study Sessions 中共中央政治局集体学习
- 习近平在中共中央政治局第三次集体学习时强调 切实加强基础研究 夯实科技自立自强根基 Politburo Study Session basic research (2023-02-21)
4. State Council
4a. State Council Plenary Meetings 国务院全体会议
- 李克强主持召开国务院全体会议 讨论《政府工作报告(征求意见稿)》 State Council plenary meeting on the draft 2023 Government Work Report (2023-02-03)
4b. State Council Executive Meetings 国务院常务会议
- 李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 听取全国两会建议提案办理情况汇报 部署做好今年全国两会听取代表和委员意见建议工作 听取落实涉企收费优惠政策和整治 规收费情况汇报 要求进一步巩固整治乱收费成果 State Council executive meeting on the upcoming Two Sessions (2023-02-22)
4c. State Council Documents 国发
- N/A
4d. General Office of the State Council Documents 国办发
- 国务院办公厅关于深入推进跨部门综合监管的指导意见 Opinions on Furthering Integrated Cross-departmental Supervision (2023-02-17)
4e. State Council Gazette 国务院公报
- 2023/6 (2023-02-28) [中文 | English]
- 2023/5 (2023-02-20) [中文 | English]
- 2023/4 (2023-02-10) [中文 | English]
4f. Government White Papers 政府白皮书
- N/A
5. Central Military Commission
5a. Central Military Commission Documents 中央军委文件
- 中央军委办公厅印发《关于加强新时代军队财务工作的意见》Opinions on Strengthening the Financial Work of the Military in the New Era (2023-02-23)
5b. Ministry of National Defense Documents 国防部发布
- 2023年2月国防部例行记者会文字实录 Transcript of the regular press conference of the Ministry of Defence in February 2023 (2023-02-23)
6. Xi Jinping
6a. Speeches 讲话