Official China Digest #4: August 2022 Documents
Hi folks,
Having done four issues of this digest, I want to get some more feedback from you before deciding where to take it. It takes me a fair bit of time putting it together, so I'll only keep doing it if you people find it valuable.
Here are some questions for you:
- Is this digest useful?
- Is it timely enough for your needs?
- What about the scope of the sources?
- How about the format?
- What else would you like to see in this digest?
- Adam
1. National Party Congress
- The 20th Party Congress will convene on October 16.
2. Central Committee - plenums
- The 7th plenary session will convene on October 9.
3. Central Committee and State Council - Central Documents (中央文件)
- 中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发《关于规范村级组织工作事务、机制牌子和证明事项的意见》 Opinions on standardising the work affairs, official name plates and certification items of village-level organisations (August 22)
- 中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发《“十四五”文化发展规划》14th Five Year Plan Culture Development Plan (August 16)
4. Politburo
4a. Politburo meetings
- 中共中央政治局会议建议 中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会10月16日在北京召开 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议 Politburo meeting on the 20th Party Congress and 7th Plenum dates (August 30)
4b. Politburo Standing Committee meetings
- N/A
4c. Politburo group study session
- N/A
5. State Council - meetings
5a. State Council plenary meetings
- N/A
5b. State Council executive meetings
- 李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 听取稳住经济大盘督导和服务工作汇报 部署充分释放政策效能加快扩大有效需求 确定进一步优化营商环境降低制度性交易成本的措施 持续为市场主体减负激活力 State Council Executive Meeting on consumption and business environment (August 30)
- 李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 部署稳经济一揽子政策的接续政策措施 加力巩固经济恢复发展基础决定增加政策性开发性金融工具额度和依法用好专项债结存限额 再次增发农资补贴和支持发电企业发债融资 确定缓缴一批行政事业性收费和支持民营企业发展的举措 保市场主体保就业决定向地方派出稳住经济大盘督导和服务工作组 促进政策加快落实 部署进一步做好抗旱救灾工作 强化财力物力支持 State Council Executive Meeting on additional measures to stabilise the economy (August 24)
- 李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 部署推动降低企业融资成本和个人消费信贷成本的措施 加大金融支持实体经济力度 部署加大困难群众基本生活保障力度的举措 兜牢民生底线 确定支持养老托育服务业纾困的措施 帮扶渡过难关恢复发展 决定延续实施新能源汽车免征车购税等政策 促进大宗消费 State Council Executive Meeting on credit, consumption and livelihoods (August 18)
6. State Council - documents (国发, 国办发, 公报)
6a. State Council guofa documents 国发
- 国务院关于取消和调整一批罚款事项的决定 State Council Decision on the Cancellation and Adjustment of Fines (August 12)
6b. General Office of the State Council guobanfa documents 国办发
- 国务院办公厅关于进一步规范行政裁量权基准制定和管理工作的意见 Opinions on further standardising the formulation and management work of administrative discretion benchmarks (August 17)
6c. State Council Gazette 国务院公报
- 2022/24 (August 30, 2022) [中文 | English]
- 2022/23 (August 20, 2022) [中文 | English]
- 2022/22 (August 10, 2022) [中文 | English]
7. State Council Information Office - Chinese government white papers
8. Central/national-level work conferences
- N/A
9. Xi Jinping
9a. Xi's speeches
- 习近平在辽宁考察时强调 在新时代东北振兴上展现更大担当和作为 奋力开创辽宁振兴发展新局面 Remarks during Xi's visit to Liaoning on August 16 and 17.
9b. Xi's articles
- 在庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年大会上的讲话 Speech at the ceremony celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army [on August 1, 2017] (August 1)
- 全党必须完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念 The whole party must implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively (August 15)
10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
10a. Joint statements and communiques
- 中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议成果落实协调人会议联合声明 Joint Statement of the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) (August 18)
- 东盟地区论坛外长会关于重申维护东南亚无核武器区的声明 ASEAN Regional Forum Statement on reiterating commitment to preserve Southeast Asia as a Nuclear Weapon-free zone (August 5)
- 中华人民共和国外交部声明 [关于佩洛西访台] Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China [on Pelosi's visit to Taiwan](August 2)
10b. Position papers
10c. Foreign Minister's speeches
- 弘扬中非友好 加强团结合作 打造中非共同发展的新时代 China and Africa: Strengthening Friendship, Solidarity and Cooperation for a New Era of Common Development (August 18)
Scope of the digest
1. National Party Congress
2. Central Committee - plenums
3. Central Committee/State Council - Central Documents 中央文件
- Issued by the Central Committee, General Office of the Central Committee, jointly by the Central Committee and the State Council, or jointly by the General Offices of the Central Committee and the State Council.
4. Politburo
- 4a. Politburo meeting (readouts)
- 4b. Politburo Standing Committee meeting (readouts)
- 4c. Politburo collective study session (readouts)
5. State Council - meetings
- 5a. State Council plenary sessions (readouts)
- 5b. State Council executive meeting (readouts)
6. State Council - documents (国发, 国办发, 国务院公报)
- 6a. State Council guofa documents 国发
- 6b. General Office of the State Council guobanfa documents 国办发
- 6c. State Council Gazette 国务院公报
7. State Council Information Office
- 7a. Chinese government white papers
8. Central/national-level work conferences
- 8a. Central Economic Work Conference
- 8b. Central Ethnic Work Conference
- 8c. Central United Front Work Conference
- 8d. Taiwan Affairs Work Conference
- 8e. National Religious Affairs Work Conference
9. Xi Jinping
- 9a. Speeches (full or summaries)
- 9b. Articles (Qiushi)
10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 10a. Joint statements and communiques 声明公报
- 10b. Foreign policy position papers 立场文件
- 10c. Foreign Minister's speeches
11. Ministry of Education
- Document dates: where there are multiple citable dates for a document, the one used in this digest is the publication date (发布日期) or the date on which it was publically reported (eg., via Xinhua), rather than the date on which the documents came into existence (成文日期).