China Analysis Digest #12
Neican Digest aggregates new China-related publications.
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Issue: 2021/12
- Date range: May 11-18, 2021
- Sources scanned: 84
- Content: 206 publications from 50 sources
- Download raw data (.csv)
Recommended readings:
5.16 — Sorry, Not Sorry (Geremie R. Barmé):
Part of a larger narrative that built on the Party’s historical vision of China that dates from the 1840s to the present day, Xi’s View of the [two] Thirty Years [of the Mao and Deng eras] was coupled with the forward trajectory of the Two Centenaries (1921-2021 and 1949-2049) that frame the New Epoch. The peerless leadership of Xi Jinping is supposed to be that of a Grand Unifier, one with a particular historical vision and mission. For the victims of the Former Thirty Years, and their descendants, such unity imposes a nearly unbearable emotional and intellectual toll.
Objective Falsehoods (David Bandurski):
For the Chinese leadership, journalistic objectivity hinges on the capacity of media to reflect the strength and legitimacy of the system as led by the Communist Party. All else is wanton bias.
Don’t Politicize the Lab-Leak Theory (David Frum):
In many ways, what is happening [the use of the lab-leak theory as a political weapon] is highly reminiscent of the anti-Communist battles of the late 1940s and early 1950s. In those days, the United States faced a dangerous external challenge from Soviet Communism. Isolationist Republicans had little interest in meeting that challenge: It would cost money and implied foreign commitments. They opposed the Marshall Plan, NATO, everything that really mattered. Instead, they used the foreign threat to justify launching a purge against an enemy within: domestic ideological opponents.
The United States is today in danger of repeating that sorry history. Pro-Trumpers want to use Chinese misconduct—real and imagined—as a weapon in a culture war here at home. They are not interested in weighing the evidence.
Everything under heaven (Linda Javin):
Art, poetry and literature are densely woven into Chinese history too; they illuminate its patterns with their bright, shining threads. To fully understand the implications of a poem Mao wrote about heroism, you need to know he was riffing off an eleventh-century poem that reflected on a third-century battle which, thanks to a fourteenth-century novel, has been a big part of popular culture and political rhetoric ever since.
Much of what we know about the lives and concerns of ordinary people, meanwhile, comes from ancient folk songs, literary works and paintings. The story of the evolution of the Chinese language itself is another inextricable part of China’s story.
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China Story:
Reading the China Dream:
- Jiang Shigong on Darwin's After Tamerlane
- Zhou Lian on Chinese Trump Supporters
- Chen and Guo on Young People Returning to Dongbei
China Heritage:
China Media Project:
- Objective Falsehoods
- MOFA Briefings Highlight Tense Media Relations
- Running Defense for China’s Global Media Push
War on the Rocks:
- How China Views the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
- A Five-Ring Circus in China: The Proposed Boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics
Project Syndicate:
The Atlantic:
The Economist:
- China’s football troubles reflect broader issues within the economy
- Why more young Chinese want to be civil servants
- China is in danger of being humiliated at the winter Olympics
Monkey Cage:
Lowy Interpreter:
- A rare test of China diplomacy
- Russia–China: An Unholy Alliance?
- Do Belt and Road projects provide local benefits?
East Asia Forum:
Pearls and Irritations:
- Darkness in a propagandised state risks war with China.
- War with China is not inevitable: A revolution in Australian foreign policy should be.
- Nothing could be Finer than to have a War with China in the Morning!
The Strategist:
- A Letter to My Editors and to China’s Censors
- Ahead of Its Centennial, the Chinese Communist Party Frets Over Unsanctioned Takes on Its History
Sixth Tone:
- Saving the Lonely Skywalkers
- He Killed His Bully. Now He’s Trying to Piece His Life Back Together
- Why China Is Running Out of Lab Monkeys
- Not Quite a Rainbow: How Chinese Media Tells LGBT Stories
- Remembering the Chinese Women Who Danced for the World
- Intercultural Relationships Are Hard. But Do They Have to Hurt?
- Jingdezhen’s Ancient Ceramics Industry Faces an Uncertain Future
- As China Pursues a Green Future, Bitcoin Miners Feel the Squeeze
- China’s Hottest Livestream Trend: Fraud
- How Fear and Stigma Are Hurting China’s Kids With ADHD
China Digital Times:
- 996, Academic Pressure, Sky High Rents. China’s College Grads Ask: Is There More to It Than This?
- In-Depth Reports Examine How China Used Global Media Coverage and Social Media to Promote Image
- Eid Celebrations Underscore Religious Repression In Xinjiang
- Translation: “We’re Scared, We’re Brave, We’ll Keep On Trying” by Zheng Churan
- Netizen Voices: On May Day, Shenzhen Party Committee Celebrates “996” Culture of Overwork
- Netizen Voices: Demands For Investigation, Transparency Follow Student’s Death
- Census Suggests China’s Population Graying But Growing—For Now
- Covid-19 has led to a surge in Chinese exports of oxygen concentrators
- What the UK can teach the world about engaging with China
- Steve Tsang, the Hong Kong academic calling for dialogue with China
- Charles Parton, the ex-diplomat “fascinated” by China’s Communist Party
- Isabel Hilton, the journalist engaging China on climate change
- Kerry Brown, the academic defending the Chinese perspective
- Glossary: The jargon, acronyms, and historical terms that frame the UK-China relationship
- Mark Logan, the MP leading a new guard of China watchers
- Rana Mitter, the historian teaching China’s next generation
- Cindy Yu, the podcaster explaining Chinese society to the West
Inside Story:
Politico China Watcher:
Politico China Direct:
Protocol | China:
The Wire China:
- The Drone Dealer
- Lillian Li on Understanding Chinese Tech on Its Own Terms
- China’s Gold Rush
- The Hackers Next Door
- How Will the Digital Renminbi Change China?
- Droning On
- Ant’s road to redemption: How the fintech giant can save itself
- Mexican president apologizes for massacre of Chinese migrants in 1911
- China’s Mars rover landing closes another major gap with U.S. space program
- International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia commemorated in China with reports and social media posts
- Why China is mostly unhappy with the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Chengdu police release more video, details in on-campus death of 16-year-old high schooler
- U.S. dials up criticism of China over Xinjiang amid more evidence of cultural and reproductive repression
- In Shaoxing, young winemakers attempt to revive China’s original spirit
- A changing China
- China’s anti-American boycott of 1905
- China census results show six-decade low in number of births
- Death of Chinese high schooler ruled as suicide, leaving family skeptical and questions unanswered
Congressional Research Service:
Center for Strategic and International Studies:
Center for Advanced China Research:
- Germany's Next China Policy
- Dual-use - Hungary and Hong Kong - Taiwan in international organizations
- US-China finance relations: quietly flows the Dollar
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:
Australia-China Relations Institute:
Observer Research Foundation:
- Political and economic meaning of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI)
- China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends
- China’s irresponsible behaviour: A threat to space security
- Tech-tonic shift in Sino-Russian cooperation
- China’s Xinjiang Policy: The Imperative for India
- China policy in the works
- China–Bangladesh strategic linkages
The Conversation:
- Tiangong: China may gain a monopoly on space stations - here’s what to expect
- Truth, lies and honey
- How China has been transforming international education to become a leading host of students
- How China used the media to spread its COVID narrative — and win friends around the world
The Diplomat:
- Do China and Vietnam Have Similar Alliance Policies?
- China Urges US to Play Constructive Role in Gaza Diplomacy
- China’s Warning to Bangladesh on the Quad
- Australia-China Trade Tensions Persist With Cancelled Agreements and Sharp Statements
- Colombia: China’s New Amigo?
- Taiwan at the Nexus of Technology and Geopolitics
- Death of Student in China Triggers Questions, Protests
- China’s Population Is Peaking
- Drop in Xinjiang Birthrate Largest in Recent History: Report
- Transatlantic Cooperation on the China Challenge
- Taiwan Ordered to Address Forced Labor on Its Fishing Vessels
Foreign Policy:
- China’s Overseas Tech Talent Is Torn Over Going Home
- The United Kingdom Dispatches HMS Queen Elizabeth to Confront China
- Can America beat China with Biden’s US$6 trillion stimulus plans?
- Strategic Competition Act: The US targeting China through Cold War politics?
- Is the US embassy in China recruiting ‘traitors’?
- Post-70s generation CPC stars jockey for position ahead of 20th Party Congress in 2022
- Covid-19 pandemic and China's rising soft power in mainland Southeast Asia
- Southeast Asia: A hotspot for Chinese enterprises in the post-pandemic era?
- China’s rising property prices have serious social consequences
- Why were Chinese imperial families prone to fratricides and tragedies?
- Gender equality: The solution to China’s declining birth rate
- Why Chinese local governments indulge in wasteful infrastructure projects
- Nationalistic and patriotic? Chinese youths are more than that.
What's on Weibo:
- China’s COVID-19 Vaccine Freebies: Get One Vaccine, Get Milk & Eggs for Free!
- Top 10 Overview of China’s Most Popular TV Dramas May 2021
- Chinese Netizens Are Seeking the Truth Behind the Mysterious Death of a Chengdu High School Student
Chaoyang Trap House:
Tracking People's Daily:
- April Economic Data, Cracking down on 'Evil Forces' at Grassroots, Wang Yi talks to Afghan FM & China's Social Scientists on Xi Thought as 21st Century Marxism
- Xi's 'Red Footprints' - 国之大者 - Learning from Zhou Enlai - Wang's Mideast Proposals - China's 5G Expansion
- FDI Inflow, Xiaomi & Huawei, & Ecological Civilisation
- Politics First in Cadre Selection, Economic Support Policies Extended, Xi's Thought & Foreign Affairs, BRI News Network, Afghan Withdrawal Criticism & Ren Lixuan on China's 'New Journey'
- Ageing China - Ren Lixuan on Dual Circulation - Wang Yi's Central Asian Diplomacy
- Boosting Chinese Brands - Drug Supervision - Real Estate Speculation & Ren Lixuan on New Development Concept
The India China Newsletter:
Eye on China:
Takshashila PLA Insight:
Beijing to Britain:
Hong Kong Free Press:
- Trading places: As democrats exit, how will Hong Kong’s ‘patriots’ do in their new starring role?
- Convicted of rioting despite no evidence of rioting? How will this work with the Poly U siege?
Taiwan Insight:
- Speaking on Behalf of the State: The Women on the Radio and behind the Loudspeakers during the Cold War
- How Community Capacity Process Impacts Participatory Community Development in Taiwan
- 从两百年看四十年
- 记忆一个远去的人
- 关于反垄断与创新的探讨
- 传统中国史学中的世界认识
- 总和生育率1.3意味着什么?
- 技术政治时代的权力与战略
- 人性的价值取向钩沉
- 性经验的机制
- 县城买房
- 人性的文化基因探源
- 从土地的资本化到资本的社会化
- 基层困在系统里
- “碳中和”给经济学提出哪些新问题
- 乡村振兴与城乡关系再探索
- 关于曾国藩评价的三个问题
- 历史人文地理
- 习仲勋与喜饶嘉措
- 用好红色资源,传承好红色基因 把红色江山世世代代传下去
- 红色江山永不变色
- 中国共产党建党百年来外事工作的光辉历程和远大前景
- 赓续红色血脉 践行初心使命
- 弘扬红船精神 勇立时代潮头
- 让井冈山精神、苏区精神放射新的时代光芒
- 发扬遵义会议精神 自觉做到“两个维护”
- 传承延安精神 激励奋斗之志
- 弘扬西柏坡精神 谱写赶考新篇章
- 五四运动与中国共产党的诞生
- 甘将热血沃中华
- 努力在社会主义现代化建设新征程中走在前列
- 经济社会发展统计图表:我国人口发展呈现显著变化(第七次全国人口普查结果)
- 红军长征:中华民族伟大复兴历史进程中的巍峨丰碑
- 天翻地覆慨而慷:中国共产党的100年
- 学习宣传贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研讨会暨党史学习教育高端论坛发言摘编(奋斗百年路 启航新征程·学党史 悟思想 办实事 开新局)
- 总书记脑海里印象最深刻的湘江战役
- 永远铭记毛泽东的历史功勋
- 中国共产党与中国现代化
- 加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学
- 深刻认识革命传统教育的时代意义
- 从《毛泽东年谱》中感悟伟人伟力
- 学党史和把握政治大局(深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想)
- 构建人类命运共同体的深层逻辑
- 论民族复兴的阶段性与整体性统一
- 人民是历史前进的根本动力
- 党性修养一辈子
- 习近平《在全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会上的讲话》英文单行本出版发行
- 《求是》杂志发表习近平总书记重要文章 《用好红色资源,传承好红色基因,把红色江山世世代代传下去》
- 我国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器成功着陆火星 习近平代表党中央、国务院和中央军委致电祝贺 韩正在北京观看着陆情况
- 深入分析南水北调工程面临的新形势新任务 科学推进工程规划建设提高水资源集约节约利用水平
- 习近平给《文史哲》编辑部全体编辑人员回信