China Analysis Digest #14
Hey folks, there is no recommended readings this week. I’m feel crap from the COVID vaccine.
Neican Digest aggregates new China-related publications.
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Issue: 2021/14
- Date range: May 25 - June 1, 2021
- Sources scanned: 86
- Content: 242 publications from 48 sources
- Download raw data (.csv)
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Made in China Journal:
- Going Global: The International Endeavours of Chinese NGOs
- The Cultural Politics of National Tragedies and Personal Sacrifice
China Media Project:
- Three-Child Policy Spawns Ridicule
- Slogans for Self-Reliance
- Speculating on the Party’s Centennial
- Unnatural Causes
Foreign Affairs:
Project Syndicate:
The Economist:
- China allows its citizens to have a third child
- China’s revealing Afghan strategy
- Education in China is becoming increasingly unfair to the poor
- China wants to curb an old custom: the hazing of wedding couples
Australian Financial Review:
- Heavy-handed laws are stigmatising foreign contact
- Carping about Port of Darwin sends anti-investment message
Lowy Interpreter:
- China’s never-ending Tibet paranoia
- Is Southeast Asia ready for a US-China tech decoupling?
- Myanmar is not the next Syria
East Asia Forum:
- Is China angling for a Saudi–Iranian detente?
- Chinese supply chains prove resilient to global shocks and pressure
Pearls and Irritations:
- Arbitrary detention in China: The case of Yang Hengjun
- The rejected murder suspect and the Taiwan Government’s lack of interest in the Rule of Law.
The Strategist:
- Ardern–Morrison meeting about the Pacific, not China policy shenanigans
- Biden review puts world one step closer to finding out what happened in Wuhan
- From the bookshelf: ‘2034: A novel of the next world war’
- Nations concerned about injustice in China must not bow to Beijing’s coercion
- Australia’s dangerously inadequate Taiwan policy debate
Sixth Tone:
- How China Made Tintin Less Racist
- Reenacting Her Mother’s Final Days, a Director Found Solace
- How Yunnan Is Helping Train the Next Generation of Indian Doctors
- ‘Respect Money’: How a Chinese Talent Show Put Its Fans Up for Sale
- Can Naturalized Athletes Save China’s Sporting Dreams?
- Crazy Stones: The Chinese Gamblers Betting Millions on Rocks
- Can C-Dramas Find an Audience in Africa?
- The Big Problems Facing China’s Small Fisheries
- For Young Chinese, 2021 Is the Year of the Digital Nomad
- In ‘Involuted’ China, Eating Disorders Are a Hidden Epidemic
China Digital Times:
- BTS, Bieber, and Gaga Censored From Friends Reunion; Cena Apologizes to Avoid Similar Fate
- After Ultramarathon Deaths, Insiders Suggest Tragedy Was Inevitable
- Diplomats Barred From Trial of Australian Writer Yang Hengjun
- Translation: “Spring Blossoms, Autumn Winds”—Analysis of Weibo Replies to Li Wenliang
- Translation: “Spring Blossoms, Autumn Winds”—Analysis of Weibo Replies to Li Wenliang
- Hong Kong Lays Groundwork for “Fake News” Law
- Translation: “I Hope That This Cry is Loud Enough,” by Xianzi
- “Never give up:” A Hong Kong boy band has emerged as the voice of a city under crackdown
- “We can’t afford it”: Chinese internet users have rejected Beijing’s new three-child policy
- Soaring commodity prices are bringing a Chinese lithium giant back from the brink
- HKEX is key to China’s plan to internationalize its economy
- Thousands have joined Hong Kong’s national security law exodus to the UK
- China is setting up special economical wedding zones
- China’s crackdown on bitcoin mining is getting real
- Hong Kongers are using blockchain archives to fight government censorship
Politico China Watcher:
Politico China Direct:
Protocol | China:
The Wire China:
- Tom Tugendhat on Why China Moved Too Early
- Broken Bonds
- Backroom Dealings
- Sporting Chinese Clothes
- China Must Embrace Remote Work
- The Competition Conundrum
- China ease past minnows Guam as World Cup qualifying resumes
- Hong Kong political crackdown continues with more prison time for pro-democracy activists, second Tiananmen vigil ban
- Changsha officials give preferential hiring treatment to male teachers because Chinese boys are ‘too effeminate’!
- Shanghairen
- In Taiwan, a law meant to empower the indigenous is put to the test
- Taiwan accuses China of blocking Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine supply
- The ‘Friends’ reunion airs in China — without Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and BTS
- Searching for belonging
- American students at Chinese universities adapt to pandemic fallout
- Chinese government pushes to finance family farms and other rural ventures
- Escaped circus tigers shot dead in Henan after killing handler
- When China’s Nationalist government lost Shanghai
- Scientists reconsider accidental lab leak theory as COVID-19 origins remain unclear
- Dispatch from Shenzhen: China’s booming drone industry
- John Cena wants Chinese fans to forgive his Taiwan blunder and go watch his new movie
Center for Strategic and International Studies:
- Beyond Polysilicon: The Ties between China’s GCL-Poly and the United States
- New Senate China Bill Needs a Credible Latin American Dimension
- China’s legislature edges closer to finalizing data privacy regime
- Huawei's global troubles spur Beijing’s push for self-reliance
- Data Privacy - Cybersecurity in cars - 2021 R&D priorities
- China wades into the Israel-Palestine conflict once more
- MERICS China Security and Risk Tracker
- EU beefs up ability to compete ahead of international discussions on rules
- Dual-use export controls – Beijing’s “genuine” multilateralism – China’s recruitment of researchers in Denmark
Chatham House:
- Why Western policies cannot change the Russia-China relationship
- Rethinking German policy towards China
Observer Research Foundation:
- A Chinese-built port in the Indian Ocean: The story of Kenya’s Lamu port
- Delhi-Colombo-Beijing triangle undergoes another shift
- Twin fears for India over the Colombo Port City
- Lessons in friendship: Explaining 70 years of China-Pakistan relations
- China’s PLA upgrades its forces along the disputed border with India
- Catalysts for China’s miracle growth: Rapid urbanisation, integrated city planning
The Conversation:
- As Morrison and Ardern meet, differences of opinion give way to the enduring close relationship
- Destination Moon: is it time for us to send astronauts back?
- As Australian-Chinese writer Yang Hengjun’s trial begins, his prospects remain bleak
The Diplomat:
- Climate Change Will Worsen the India-China Rivalry – But There’s a Better Way Forward
- A European FTA With India Is Not a Counterweight to China
- What Do Chinese People Think Is Happening in Xinjiang?
- How Will the Chinese Communist Party Withstand Increasing Calls for COVID-19 Pandemic Accountability?
- Do Chinese Infrastructure Loans Promote Business Startups in African Countries?
- Why China Is Not on Track For Financial Superpower Status
- What Han Dynasty China’s Financial Relations With Rome Can Teach Us Today
- Yang Jiechi’s Overlooked Visits to Slovenia and Croatia
- China’s PLA Upgrades Its Forces Along Disputed Border With India
- US, China Trade Officials Finally Talk
- The Gulf Between Chinese and Vietnamese Alliance Policies
- Biden Asks US Intel Officials to Investigate COVID-19 Origin
- How Will China Respond to Rising Inflation?
- The Secret Behind the Chinese Communist Party’s Perseverance
- Why a Taiwan Invasion Would Look Nothing Like D-Day
- How China Is Losing Europe
- Official Hints at Challenges for Chinese Businesses in Uzbekistan
- Can China’s Israel-Palestine Peace Plan Work?
- Assessing 70 Years of China’s PLA Air Force
- The US Must Defend Taiwan – From COVID-19
- Taiwan Confronts COVID-19 Outbreak, Accuses China of Blocking Vaccines
- Time for a ‘Semi-Quad’ Alliance
Foreign Policy:
- Can Biden Keep the Peace in Southeast Asia?
- Wolf Warriors Killed China’s Grand Strategy
- A Quiet Sentence Gives South Korea Back Its ‘Missile Sovereignty’
- Understanding China Is Getting Harder Every Month
- Beijing Is Trolling Biden Over Gaza
- Southeast Asia Had COVID-19 Under Control. What Went Wrong?
- Biden Is Continuing the Trump Administration’s Revised Stance on Tibet
- When will the CCP stop being an ‘underground party’ in Hong Kong?
- Hong Kong-Taiwan relations take a nosedive as cross-strait relations worsen
- US academic: Is Japan a true and loyal US ally?
- Is the China-EU investment deal doomed?
- Philippine-US cooperation on Whitsun Reef: A 'win' for the Biden team in Southeast Asia?
- China's peaceful rise has to start in Hong Kong
- Uniquely New Zealand: How NZ maintains integrity amid great power rivalry
- Rich China tycoons park family offices in Singapore
- Faced with a shortage of water, electricity and vaccines, can Taiwan still deliver the chips?
- Mobile gaming: The cash cow of China’s mobile phone industry
- [Photo story] The many faces of Shanghai over a hundred years
- Shanghai can learn from Tokyo’s train service excellence
- Lessons for China: The powerful position of the Japanese farming industry
- A burning issue among Chinese youths: How to escape the rat race?
- Americans should not oversimplify China into a few sensitive issues
- Chinese economics professor: Why we exchange gifts, from ancient China to the present
National People's Congress Observer:
- Recording & Review: Removing the Vestiges of the One-Child Policy
- NPC Calendar: June 2021
- NPCSC Session Watch: Data Security, Legal Aid, Workplace Safety, Vocational Education & More
What's on Weibo:
- China’s ‘Three Child Era’ Announcement Is Met with Banter and Backlash on Weibo
- “Before I Met Him” – Unhappy Marriage Post Goes Viral on Weibo
- Cracking Down on ‘Unhealthy’ Wedding Customs: Xiong’an New Area Launches Wedding Reform Experiment
Chaoyang Trap House:
Beijing Channel:
Tracking People's Daily:
- Three-Child Policy - Xi & Kids - Lab-Leak Theory as 'Nonsense' - China's Human Rights Discourse
- Xi ≈ Mao - Yan'an Spirit - Li's Green Development Pitch - Wang's European Diplomacy
- Xi's Rule of Law Thought - 'Inhumane' American Democracy - Red Footprints & the 'Two Musts' - Carbon Peak Leading Group Meeting - China-US Trade Talks
- Xi's Calls Nepal, Spain & Montenegro - Li on Supporting MSEs - US Democracy & Inequality - CPEC - Backing Reform & Opening Up
- Four Histories Propaganda, One-China Principle, Yimeng Spirit & China-model Promotion
- Xi's Diplomacy, Zhao Kezhi on Defending 'the Core', Rekindling the Lei Feng Spirit, & the CCP Rule as 'Historical Inevitability'
The India China Newsletter:
- How effective are China's vaccines, the dark side of India's iron ore exports, and Xi’s mes…
- Decoupling 'contradictions', lab-leak investigations, and the art of apology
Eye on China:
Takshashila PLA Insight:
Beijing to Britain:
China Dialogue:
Hong Kong Free Press:
- Eye of the storm: Hong Kong protester shot in the eye not blind enough for some people
- Why the ‘race’ to be Hong Kong’s next chief will be a collective slap in the face for people of the city
- Don’t trust the science or don’t trust the gov’t? Why many Hongkongers are shunning Covid vaccination
- How China is sweeping up its own social media mess
Taiwan Insight:
- Challenges for Taiwan’s Defence & Economic Security and its Required Efforts To Ensuring a Sustainable Peace
- Cutting Through the Fog of War in the Taiwan Strait
- Biden & Taiwan: Advancing a Flexible US One China Policy
- Idealization and Fearmongering Opposite Sides of the Same Coin for International Media Reporting on Taiwan
- Taiwan: The unsinkable Aircraft Carrier sails again?
- Taiwan Deserves Its Rightful Place Under the Sun
- 美国新生代“中国通”对华认知及其影响
- 大分化时代,中国怎么办?
- 中国金融的三大挑战与变革之道
- 复仇的火焰
- 钓鱼岛主权争议与保钓前途
- 从琉球·冲绳的角度审视钓鱼岛问题——对日本殖民主义的质疑
- 谁才有资格自豪地说,“我们人民”!
- 儒家自由主义辨析
- 老龄化倒逼社保深度改革
- 民法典对宪法秩序建构的回应及其反思
- 义乌发展的人文考察与启迪
- 现代人学佛的三大警觉
- 真正的市场
- 在中国科学院第二十次院士大会、中国工程院第十五次院士大会、中国科协第十次全国代表大会上的讲话
- 谨防"意外事故"引发中美战略危机
- 政策何以落地与蔓延到乡镇的官僚主义
- 七拐八拐就拐向了北大
- “斯密定理”与“吉本命题”——200年后看国家兴衰基本逻辑的“异见”
- 美俄“新冷战”何以必然?
- 养老保险应采取分段统筹,以保障参保人权益,促进劳动力自由流动
- 学好“四史” 永葆初心、永担使命
- 坚定不移听党话跟党走
- 把握历史大势 掌握历史主动
- 从新中国史中汲取继续前进的智慧和力量
- 改革不停顿 开放不止步
- 学习社会主义发展史 不断坚定“四个自信”
- 旗帜鲜明讲政治、保证党的团结和集中统一是党的生命
- 站在历史的深厚基础上更加坚定地走向未来
- 以首善标准书写革命文物保护利用新篇章
- 从党的光辉历史中汲取砥砺奋进的精神力量
- 深化粤港澳合作 推进大湾区建设
- 携手港澳打造国际一流湾区和世界级城市群
- 新征程上文艺工作的光辉指南
- 真理之光绽放
- 让青春在不懈奋斗中绽放绚丽之花
- 在新征程上传承星火赓续血脉
- 经济社会发展统计图表:2021年1—4月国民经济主要指标
- 党的七大确立毛泽东思想为党的指导思想
- 被誉为“工人阶级的圣经”的著作,是如何在白色恐怖下翻译出版的?
- 从《刘少奇年谱》中学习领袖风范
- 百年党史视野下的中国共产党理论创新
- 战略视角中的中共百年奋斗历程——中国共产党战略思维中的天时、地利、人和
- 中国工运史上的光辉篇章——水口山工人运动
- 一届全国人大华侨代表的选举产生和建言献策
- 旗帜鲜明坚持以马克思主义为指导
- 把握历史大势 掌握历史主动
- 站在历史的深厚基础上更加坚定地走向未来
- 党的建设:中国革命胜利的“主体法宝”
- 大党 大样 大道
- 江山就是人民,人民就是江山(人民观点)
- 中国人民和中华民族发展史上一次伟大革命
- 在党的历史经验中把握历史规律
- 历史和人民的正确选择
- 中国革命建设改革的强大思想武器
- 中共中央政治局召开会议
- 结合自身成长实际学好党史 从小坚定听党话跟党走的决心
- 习近平与少年儿童的故事
- 学好“四史”,永葆初心、永担使命
- 在中国科学院第二十次院士大会、中国工程院第十五次院士大会、中国科协第十次全国代表大会上的讲话
- 两院院士大会中国科协第十次全国代表大会在京召开
- 习近平:在中国科学院第二十次院士大会、中国工程院第十五次院士大会、中国科协第十次全国代表大会上的讲话
- 两院院士大会中国科协第十次全国代表大会在京召开 习近平发表重要讲话
- 更好展示真实立体全面的中国 为促进中国和世界交流沟通作出新的贡献