China Analysis Digest #26
China Analysis Digest aggregates and lists new China-related analyses. Thanks to Katharina Ni for the magic (codes) that makes this series possible.
Issue: 2021/26
- Date range: August 19-26, 2021
- Sources scanned: 86
- Content: 191 publications from 46 sources
- Download raw data (.csv)
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China Story:
- What Does it Mean to Be ‘Chinese’? Education and National Belonging in Contemporary China
- Protecting its citizens in the Middle East: China’s expanding interests in the region
War on the Rocks:
Foreign Affairs:
Project Syndicate:
The Atlantic:
- An ‘Early Test Case’ for a China-Led World
- The Experiment Podcast: A Uyghur Teen’s Life After Escaping Genocide
The Economist:
- China is happy to see America humbled in Afghanistan
- Hong Kong’s government is crushing the city’s pro-democracy unions
- In Sierra Leone, a Chinese port-building plan raises ire
Lowy Interpreter:
- Afghanistan holds lessons for American power in Asia
- Can the US and China cooperate on climate?
- China’s new silos: Nuclear arms control more urgent than ever
East Asia Forum:
- Taliban takeover is bad news for China
- The population exodus that will change Hong Kong forever
- Taiwan invasion doesn’t hang in the military balance
The Strategist:
Sixth Tone:
- You Won’t Believe the Clickbaity Chaos of Chinese Apps
- A Floor Shaker, a Seismic Feud, and a Condo Wide Awake
- How Outsourcing Puts Hospitals at Risk
- The Enduring Influence of Afghanistan on Chinese Art
- Too Much of a Good Thing? How China Is Rethinking Its Diet.
- China’s Stressed-Out Workers Are Rediscovering the Art of Meditation
- Will mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Be China’s Ticket Out of Isolation?
- The Nonbinary Chinese Fighting to Live Their Truth
China Digital Times:
- Translation: Wei Zhou Returns to Wechat, Vowing “I Will Always Come Back”
- Hangzhou Party Boss Investigated For Corruption, Officials Warned About Business Relationships
- WHO Probe Leader Says Chinese Pressure Blocked Research Into Lab Accident Theory
- Translation: LGBTQ Site’s WeChat Account Shuttered After Report on Homophobic Backlash Against Hostel
- Translation: Eradicate COVID-19, or Live With It?
- China’s boycott of Australia has redirected global flows of coal
- China will teach Xi Jinping Thought to schoolchildren
- “Common prosperity”: A lexicon of China’s tech crackdown jargon
- Stephen Kinnock, the British opposition’s China man
- Yuan Yang, the British-Chinese journalist witnessing the decline of press freedom in China
- Sherard Cowper-Coles, the former diplomat going to bat for British businesses in China
- How China’s top internet regulator became Chinese tech giants’ worst enemy
- China is applying industrial policy to winning gold at the Winter Olympics
- Xi’s crackdown on wealth inequality has luxury investors scared
Inside Story:
Politico China Watcher:
- U.S. at risk of losing cloud computing edge to China
- U.S. commitment to Taiwan under scrutiny after Afghanistan's fall
Politico China Direct:
- ‘Don’t sanction the Taliban’ — Merkel’s Beijing pick — Lithuania goes Aussie
- Taliban dilemma — German model frenzy — Any trains to Lithuania?
- Nü Er Hong: How a rice winemaker created a legendary Chinese brand
- Beijing to crack down on abusive landlords and online rental platforms
- The fog of words: Kabul 2021, Beijing 1949
- Can betting on Chinese politicians predict their futures?
- The last meeting of Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek
- U.S. granted Chinese student visas at pre-pandemic levels in June
- Famous TV host suspended by China’s second-largest broadcaster amid sexual assault allegation
- China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation takes mission to ‘disseminate good’ overseas
- With Confucius Institutes dwindling in the U.S., what’s next for Chinese language education?
- China crushes Delta spike after weeks of strict measures
- Graffiti confessions
- Poverty alleviation remains China’s philanthropic focus after eradication of extreme poverty
- Meditative ‘Buddha Mountain’ gets 10th anniversary director’s cut
- China bulls lose a boatload of money on Alibaba, on paper
- Adam Tooze on understanding China’s rise in historical context
Center for Strategic and International Studies:
- Chinese National Oil Companies Face the Energy Transition
- Fiat Digital Currency, Information, and Power
Center for Advanced China Research:
- China and the Taliban – confidence and caution
- Afghanistan + "Common prosperity" + Data protection law
- From marriage of convenience to strategic partnership: China-Russia relations and the fight for global influence
- Raffaello Pantucci: Narratives of China winning in Afghanistan are exaggerated
- MERICS China Security and Risk Tracker 3/2021
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission:
National Bureau of Asian Research:
Rhodium Group:
Observer Research Foundation:
- The Chinese factor in Indo-Russian ties
- China’s Xinjiang Policy and the Silence of Islamic States
- Why China remains top on minds of India’s youth
- China in Africa: The Role of Trade, Investments, and Loans Amidst Shifting Geopolitical Ambitions
- Keeping an eye on China’s expanding nuclear stack
The Conversation:
The Diplomat:
- China’s Communist ‘Common Prosperity’ Campaign
- China’s Wedge Strategy Towards the US-Vietnam Partnership
- Shen Yiqin, Party Historian, to Bring Depth to CCP Politburo
- How the Abraham Accords Disrupted China-Israel Relations
- China Swoops Into Bangladesh With a Vaccine Deal
- Geoffrey Cain on Xinjiang’s ‘Perfect Police State’
- Can America’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Help Its China Strategy?
- The China Challenge in Israel-US Relations
- China and the Taliban: What to Watch
- Why Taiwan Matters to the United States
- What Will Happen in Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s Canada Extradition Case?
- New Chinese Law Tightens Requirements for Data Privacy
- China’s Biggest IPO of 2021 May Be a Renewable Energy Firm Listing
- Does the Belt and Road Have a Future in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan?
- Decoding the Latest China-India Military Talks on the Border
- China’s Political Calculations and Potential Options in Afghanistan
- China’s Shipping Delays Are Costing African Economies
- Afghanistan’s Collapse: The View From Taiwan
Foreign Policy:
- How Finding China’s Nuclear Sites Upset Pro-Beijing Trolls
- How Biden Can Save His China Strategy After Afghanistan
- Taiwan Isn’t Afghanistan, Whatever Beijing Says
- China’s Neighbors Hope Afghanistan Pullout Means Pivot to Indo-Pacific
- China Is the Biggest Winner From Africa’s New Free Trade Bloc
- Afghanistan in the calculations of India, Pakistan and China: Is there common ground among rivals and allies?
- 'Winner takes all' no more: China is ready to build the socialist regulatory state
- The flaws in Biden’s China policy
- Did PLA fire new missiles over Biden's statement on Taiwan?
- Building a moral and prosperous Chinese society: Prelude to a social revolution in China?
- What China wants to see under a Taliban-led Afghanistan
- 30,000 US troops in Taiwan?
- Why China is regulating the property market
- How a hoax pandemic donation sparked anti-Chinese and anti-China sentiments in Indonesia
- Who saved Dr Zhang Wenhong from punishment for questioning China's Covid-19 policy?
- Chinese youth will be imbued with tenets of Xi Jinping Thought through school curriculum
- How Americans have braved the Covid-19 pandemic
- Is China taking policies to the extreme to achieve zero-Covid?
- Rejecting their parents' lifestyles, more single Chinese youths are sharing their everyday lives through vlogs
- China idol: Mao Zedong makes a comeback among Chinese youth
- Remembering Yu Ying-shih in Singapore: An ambitious social experiment disrupted
- Destroying independent thinkers: Why China’s tutoring industry needs strong intervention
National People's Congress Observer:
- NPCSC Codifies Three-Child Policy, Expands Legal Aid & Updates Military Service Law and Physicians Law
- NPCSC Seeks Public Comments on Bills on Organized Crime, Family Education, Land Borders, Innovation Policy, Noise Pollution & Plant Variety Protection
What's on Weibo:
- NIKE vs ERKE: Two Sportswear Brands Trending on Weibo for Totally Different Reasons
- The Legendary Lao Gan Ma: How Chili Sauce Billionaire Tao Huabi Became a ‘Chinese Dream’ Role Model
- “You Can Have Four Kids Now!” – Draft to China’s Population Planning Law No Longer Penalizes Having More Children
- New labor rules for gig workers & Big Tech in China
- Did 'the Wuhan lab' spend $606 mln on air conditioning/ventilation?
Tracking People's Daily:
- Hebei Visit - Xi-Putin on Afghanistan - PAP Flag Anniversary - Ethnic Minority Policies - Xi Thought: Regional Development & Rural Revitalisation - Zhong Sheng on Afghanistan - COVID-19 Origins
- Xi's Ethnic Policies - Li on Developing the Northeast - Yang Jiechi at BRICS Security Talks - China-Turkey Partnership - Xi Thought: Public & Private Sector + Core Technology Research - A New Struggle
- Foreign Trade = 180mln Jobs - China-Africa Space Ties - Xi Thought: High-Quality Growth & Supply Side Structural Reform - H2 Economic Direction - Cross-cycle Adjustments - Uphold Xi's Core Position
- Cadre Management - Xi Thought Series: Socialist Basic Economic System - Daqing Spirit - Smart Cars Guidelines - China-Arab States Expo
- Xi Thought Q&A Series: The Full Collection
- Party Control in Tibet - Li in Henan - China & Arab States - Wang's 'Three Whethers' on Afghanistan - US & Human Trafficking - Xi Thought Series: Party's Approach to Deal with Corruption
- Xi Calls Iran & Iraq - China on Taliban's 'Positive Signals' - Wang 'Appreciates' Dasu Attack Probe - Xi Thought Series: Party Discipline & Caging Power - Gig-Economy Workers' Rights
The India China Newsletter:
Eye on China:
Takshashila PLA Insight:
Beijing to Britain:
China Dialogue:
Hong Kong Free Press:
- Expat quarantine drama: Hong Kong gov’t caught with its eyes wide shut over Nicole Kidman scandal
- Britons do know – and care – about the plight of Hong Kong
Taiwan Insight:
- The Fall of Afghanistan – Implications for European Policy Towards Taiwan
- The Fall of Afghanistan: Why Taiwan is Fundamentally Different?
- Freedom Where? The Theme of ‘Escape’ in the Novels of Diasporic Taiwanese Writer Hualing Nieh
- What is ‘Home’ and Who are the ‘Overseas Chinese’?
- 太平天国再评价——金田起义170周年之反思
- 袁隆平生平三问
- 切莫误读邓小平
- 物理学的诱惑
- 狗屁工作、劳动分工与后工作的可能
- 关于双循环与扩大内需
- 谈谈读书、教学和做科学研究
- 乡村治理的百年探索
- 计划经济时代影响中共经济决策的主要因素
- 建设收入分配制度改革试验区助推共同富裕
- 佛教的人生欲望观
- 在庆祝西藏和平解放70周年大会上的讲话
- 共同富裕三途
- 碳中和误区及其现实路径
- 生育率、老龄化与未来15年经济增长
- 有幸结识吴思敬
- “官场+市场”与中国增长故事
- 论社会学研究的历史维度——以政府行为研究为例
- 中国式现代化的独特路径
- 文坛一言堂——东瀛篇
- 跨越时空的井冈山精神
- 我是怎样参加地下党的(上)
- 朱德的读书学习生涯
- 习近平总书记的大历史观
- 中国共产党成立前后两个一百年的巨大转变——从落后挨打到走向伟大复兴
- 毫不动摇坚持和加强党的全面领导
- 必须进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争——“以史为鉴,开创未来”系列评论之七
- 加强建党初期马克思主义经典文献传播的历史研究
- 划清马克思主义历史观与历史虚无主义的界限
- 实现中华民族伟大复兴进入了不可逆转的历史进程
- 从三个维度理解“能、好、行”的辩证关系
- 准确把握“国之大者”的基本内涵和根本要求
- 中国共产党在百年历史中掌握历史主动的经验启迪
- 中国共产党与马克思主义中国化
- 用伟大建党精神滋养党性修养(思想纵横)
- 深刻把握党史学习教育的落脚点(深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想)
- 从党史中汲取精神力量(新知新觉)
- 中华民族正以不可阻挡的步伐迈向伟大复兴
- 建党精神与建党伟业
- 以党的政治建设为统领,推进党的建设新的伟大工程
- 从三个论断理解马克思主义同中华优秀传统文化的关系
- 增强全面从严治党永远在路上的政治自觉