China Analysis Digest #45
- Date range: January 4-12, 2022
- Sources scanned: 109
- Publications: 154 (English), 78 (Chinese)
English Sources
China Watching
China Neican
- Brief #103: big eyes, small hearts
- Guest #13: Reading Between the Lines of the 2021 History Resolution
- Brief #102: Whataboutism, export control
Made in China Journal
China Media Project
- Remembering Xu Zhuqing
- Re-brand for Official Cyberspace Magazine
- Personal Brands for Party Agendas
- A Long Road to the CCP Congress
Opinion Pages
Project Syndicate
Wall Street Journal
- China Takes Lithuania as an Economic Hostage
- China Immortalizes ‘Pillar of Shame’
- The Two-Headed Fight for Ukraine and Taiwan
Australian Financial Review
War on the Rocks
- China’s Tech Crackdown: A Year-in-Review
- Rethinking “Rules of the Road” to Stabilize U.S.-China Competition
China-US Focus
China Collection
China Dialogue
- How will China control its methane emissions?
- IEEFA: Accepting gas is unsustainable will bolster China’s position on green energy finance
Pearls and Irritations
- ‘Uyghurs for sale’: a rigorous analysis or strategic disinformation?
- Beware Sinophobia over Xinjiang: the charge of genocide should never be made lightly
- Positive competition: US and China can live in harmony in the Asia-Pacific
- Australia’s damaging and deluded retreat from Asia
The Strategist
News & Magazines
The Economist
- China and America prepare for a human-rights showdown at the UN
- China’s online nationalists turn paranoia into clickbait
- China crushes Hong Kong’s independent news outlets
Rest of World
Sixth Tone
- The Retired Professor Who Took China’s Elsevier to School
- For Chinese, Rising Rent Isn’t Just a Financial Problem
- For Chinese Workers in Indonesia, No Pay, No Passports, No Way Home
- What’s Next for China’s Naturalized Soccer Players?
- China’s Introverted Millennials Find an Unlikely Refuge: Dating Apps
- Drinks with the Grand Historian: Remembering Jonathan D. Spence
- What China’s New Payment Rules Mean for Alipay, WeChat Pay
- Anger and Sorrow in a Henan Graveyard
- Chinese Buyers Join Metaverse Land Rush
- China’s private tutoring giant disclosed the huge toll of Beijing’s education crackdown
- China’s digital yuan app is getting ready for the Beijing Winter Olympics
China Digital Times
- Farewell Letters: A Tribute to the Civil Society Groups, Bloggers, and Media Outlets We Lost in 2021
- As Beijing Winter Olympics Near, Global Protests Target IOC and Corporate Sponsors
- CDT English Top Ten Posts of 2021: Profound Transformation, Historical Deviation, Xinjiang Cotton, and Peng Shuai
- Lockdown Voices: Pain, Hunger, and a Journalist Determined To Speak the Truth in Xi’an
- Hong Kong: Citizen News Closes, Monuments Disappear, Speech Prosecutions Continue
The Conversation
- Here’s why China probably won’t dominate the electric car market this year
- The ‘China shock’ of trade in the 2000s reverberates in US politics and economics – and warns of the dangers for fossil fuel workers
The Wire China
- Who’s the Boss?
- Jeff Stoff & Glenn Tiffert on Why the U.S. Needs to Do Its Homework on Chinese Research Partners
- The Security Consequences of America’s China Focus
- Pension Problems
- U.S.-China Climate Relations Look Up After COP26
- Can $300 billion stop the shrinking of China’s population by targeting on Gen X and older millennials?
- India-China tensions flare up again over border issues and Tibet
- What will happen to private tutoring? New Oriental’s 2022 game plan
- Shandong Taishan FC claims domestic double
- Xi’an woman in quarantine begs for period products in viral video, gets bashed by men for being ‘dramatic’
- Pushover persimmon — phrase of the week
- The Kazakhstan protests and Sino-Russian relations
- The China story behind Apple’s $3 trillion valuation with Doug Guthrie
- Chinese officials say Xi’an COVID outbreak, the worst since Wuhan, is ‘effectively contained’
- The sociology of ‘China-watching,’ beyond the dove/hawk divide
- Lithuanian president says Taiwan office naming was ‘a mistake’ after ‘unconventional measures’ from Beijing
- Woman in locked-down Xi’an denied medical care, has miscarriage at eight months pregnant
- Where to invest in China’s ‘common prosperity’ age
- Tencent off-loads share in gaming company
- China’s ‘five-anti’ campaign of 1952
- China bans tattoos in soccer
- In the China-Laos Railway, Beijing reveals its designs for Southeast Asia
- China and Russia’s shared interest in preventing a pro-US Kazakhstan
- Germany between the US and China
- The Chinese ruling party needs a new pact with the people to forge a more humane and self-confident nation
- Did Lithuania do a U-turn on the ‘Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania’?
- Lessons from Xi’an: Why there is no one-size-fits-all solution to Covid-19
- A history of Western illustrations insulting the Chinese
- A Singaporean in China: Bumping into kind souls on buses and trains
- Stuck in second gear: Indonesia’s strategic dilemma in the Indo-Pacific
- Tesla’s choice on Xinjiang: Will the benefits be enough to offset the costs?
- The nature of recent Chinese migration to Thailand
- Stand News closure and the vanishing voice of HK’s pan-democrats
- Self-confidence and myths may lull China into turning inward economically
- How the global economy can speed up its recovery in 2022
- Chaos in Xi’an: From zero-Covid to ‘zero cases in communities’
- The China-Laos railway: How Laos can make the most of its hefty investment
- The fight against Omicron reveals Hong Kong’s disunity
- Mainland Chinese TV drama sparks talk of ‘Taiwan spies’
The Diplomat
- Will China’s Railway in Laos Help Bolster Its ‘Soft Power’?
- Stabilizing Great Power Rivalries
- It’s Advantage China in the Indian Ocean
- China’s COVID-19 Border Restrictions Wreak Economic Havoc in Southeast Asia
- KMT Served Double Defeat in Taiwan’s Latest Recall and By-Election
- China and Greenland: Debunking the ‘Debt Trap’ Scenario
- Rare Earths: Fighting for the Fuel of the Future
- A Tale of Two Crises: Why US Strategy in Ukraine Has Few Implications for Taiwan
- Fuzzy Logic: China’s Second Order Foreign Policy
- China Looks to Play More Active Role in Horn of Africa Conflicts
- Xi’an Residents Voice Frustration Amid Lockdown
- China Is Targeting Lithuania. The EU Must Push Back.
- 2022 New Year’s Resolutions for Asia’s Biggest Economies
- Is China’s ‘Debt-Trap Diplomacy’ in Greenland Simply on Ice?
- Are ‘Sponge Cities’ the Answer to Shenzhen’s Water Scarcity?
- What Does Myanmar’s New Chinese Submarine Reveal About Its Military?
- Elizabeth Economy on ‘The World According to China’
- What Lies Behind Beijing’s Assigning of Chinese Names to Indian Places?
- China-US Subnational Exchanges Under the Biden Administration
- Russia-Ukraine Tensions: Signals to China
Foreign Policy
- Online Warriors Are a Risky but Useful Tool for Beijing
- China’s Two-Ocean Strategy Puts India in a Pincer
Think Tanks
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Corridor To Nowhere: The Gwadar Protests And The Pakistan-China Relationship
- Going Ballistic
- China’s Power: Up For Debate 2021: Debate 2
- NATO Looking East: The Case of China
- China’s New AI Governance Initiatives Shouldn’t Be Ignored
- Global Gateway: playing “catch-up” with China or a chance for change?
- China’s defense against the war of words
- China’s participation in RCEP has implications for Europe
European Council on Foreign Relations
National Bureau of Asian Research
Brookings Institution
American Enterprise Institute
Chatham House
RAND Corporation
Observer Research Foundation
Politico China Watcher
Politico China Direct
The India China Newsletter
Tracking People's Daily
- 20th Congress Election Commentary - The Kazakhstan Situation - Xi-Lukashenko Chat - State Council: Accelerate Major Projects - Xi is Rénmín de Hǎo Lǐngxiù - Qu Qingshan on 10 Persistences
- Xi & Grassroots Cadres - Ren Ping on Historical Confidence - PLA's History Campaign Review - Xiamen's Cui Yonghui on Common Prosperity - Zhang Laiming on Stability & Progress - Wang Yi in Maldives
- PSC Hears Work Reports - Xi's Olympics Inspection - Plan on Market-based Allocation of Factors of Production - Robotics Plan - Wang in Kenya - COVID Criticism - Ren Ping on Energy Policy & Security
- PLA Mobilisation Order - Ideological and Propaganda Work Review - Henan Party Secretary Interview - Fu Cong on Nukes - Wang Xiaohong on Public Security Agenda
- China-Kazakhstan Ties - Xi & Culture: Connecting Past to Present - Interview with Anhui Party Secretary Zheng Shanjie - Tian Peiyan on Xi as Core & Party's Future Direction
Beijing Channel
- Transcript: The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act's impact in China, explained
- “Double Reductions” at 6 months: How is China following through?
Texas National Security Review
China Law Translate
- Provisions on the Management of Mobile Internet Applications' Information Services (Draft for solicitation of comments)
- Social Credit: Basic Punishment Measures
- Provisions on the Management of Algorithmic Recommendations in Internet Information Services
China Trade Monitor
- 2020 Defense Bill Provision on U.S. Purchases of BYD Electric Buses Comes Into Effect
- China's White Paper on Export Controls Criticizes Discrimination and Calls for Normal Trade
Supreme People's Court Monitor
Society & Culture
What's on Weibo
- Footage Shows Mysterious Flashes Before Qinghai Earthquake
- Xi’an Outbreak Largely Under Control, But Weibo is Grieving the Death of an Unborn Baby
Chaoyang Trap House
Greater China
Hong Kong Free Press
Taiwan Insight
- Will the TPP Suffer the Same Fate as the NPP?
- Policy or Circumstance?: Covid Impacts and Probable Political Economy Outcomes
- One Democracy, Two Interpretations: Making Sense of China’s Response to the Summit and Implications for Taiwan
- What the December 18th Referendum Means for U.S.-Taiwan Relations
- A Pursuit of Housing Justice?
Chinese Sources
World Affairs
Chinese Diplomacy
- 补齐“安全合作短板”是新时代提升中国-东盟关系的不二法门 (吴士存)
- 新中国经济外交70年——从站起来、富起来到强起来 (江瑞平)
- 中国—东盟关系百年变局中迎来而立之年 (江瑞平)
- 历史走到这一步了,中国开始“平视”世界 (田飞龙)
Great Power Relations
- 热和平中美关系的范式正在形成吗? (王缉思)
- 美国不该继续误判中国 (彼得·沃克)
- 世纪疫灾加速世界变局对中日关系的影响 (江瑞平)
- 中美关系的新周期战略竞争、战略相持和新关系规范的探索 (田飞龙)
- 疫情加速世界经济变局 (江瑞平)
- 疫情下的东亚合作有望再度化危为机 (江瑞平)
- 拜登美国的头号盟国日本对华新态势 (时殷弘)
- 咫尺天涯——美国与21世纪进步时代的开启 (朱文莉)
International Relations Theory
Politics & Policy
Chinese Politics
Comparative Politics
Public Policy & Governance
- 从“增长型社会”到“成熟性社会”平成时代日本社会的转型、困境与应对 (胡澎)
- 日本“多元协作”的构建与展开——以地方自治体与非营利组织的关系为中心 (胡澎)
- 从“垃圾战”到“多元协作”——日本垃圾治理的路径与经验 (胡澎)
- 新冠疫情下的日本社会影响、课题与前瞻 (胡澎)
- 从“一亿总中流”社会到“差距社会”——日本全民中产社会的形成与分化 (胡澎)
Public Sector Economics
Financial Economics
- 日本建设循环型社会的经验与启示 (胡澎)
- 辞旧迎新中国宏观经济回顾与展望 (张明)
- 走向共同富裕 (宋晓梧)
- 2022年“稳字当头”要重点关注什么? (夏斌)
- 当前经济工作要特别处理好长期与短期的关系 (夏斌)
- 中国宏观经济回顾与展望 (张明)
- 从百年党史中汲取力量 全力做好发展改革工作 (何立峰)
- 科学认识新发展格局的基本内涵和逻辑体系 (荣晨)
- 稳定宏观经济不仅是经济问题,更是政治问题 (韩文秀)
Development Economics
Modern Chinese History
- 以译代著、唤醒中华——严复逝世百年纪念省思 (欧阳哲生)
- 康有为是一面镜子 (刘小枫)
- 《妇女时报》中的女性与社会变革 (毕苑)
- 为了增强“我国民之群力、群智、群德” —— 康梁开创“救国史学” (王也扬)
- 革命、改良两派的合作与破裂 (杨天石)
- 梁启超的文化宣传活动及其思想新趋向 (杨天石)
Ancient Chinese History
World History
Constitutional & Administrative Law
- “共同富裕”作为宪法社会主义原则的规范内涵 (张翔)
- 论家庭教育促进法的法律部门定位 (叶强)
- 论妇联组织和教育行政部门的家庭教育职责分工与合作 (叶强)
- 论法院对规范性文件的附带审查 (何海波)
- 行政复议的功能定位再辨——兼评《行政复议法(修订)(征求意见稿)》 (梁君瑜)
- 行政活动法律保留的结构变迁 (王贵松)
Civil & Commercial Law
Criminal law
Society & Culture
Chinese Philosophy
- 以《论语》为主探讨儒家德行与学问的关系 (韩星)
- 经典与人之“文德”养成 (杨朝明)
- 荀子的经典之学 (王博)
- 汉晋政治中的有为无为之争 (张学智)
- 易学哲学视域中“神”的诸种诠释 (赵中国)
- 游吉的人性论及其历史地位 (郭沂)
- 梁漱溟论“周孔之教”与中国文化 (魏衍华)
Marxist philosophy
Edited by Adam Ni | Code by Katharina Ni