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China Scholarship Digest #2

Journal articles from July and August 2021

Hey everyone, we’ve significantly expanded the number of sources for the scholarship digest. Given the amount of content and timeliness, from the next issue we will be sending out the digest monthly (instead of quarterly as originally planned).

If there are sources missing that you’d like to see included in the digest, please email me (you can reply to this email) and we can add them. Thanks.


China Scholarship Digest is a monthly published list of new China-related academic research.

Issue: 2021 July & August

  • Articles published: July and August 2021

  • Sources1 scanned: 47 journals

  • Content: 112 articles from 28 journals

  • Download raw data (.csv)

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Chinese Studies

Journal of Contemporary China

China Quarterly

Modern China

China Information

Asian Studies

Journal of Contemporary Asia

Asian Studies Review


Chinese Studies in History

International Affairs

International Organization

Third World Quarterly


Cambridge Review of International Affairs

Australian Journal of International Affairs

Asian Security

Review of International Political Economy

Pacific Review


Journal of Chinese Governance

Society & Culture

Global Media and China

Media, Culture & Society

Chinese Sociological Review

Chinese Journal of Communication

Social Sciences in China

International Journal of Cultural Policy


Chinese Economic Studies

China Economic Journal

Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

Asia Pacific Business Review

Economic and Political Studies

Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy

  1. Source selection is base on a combination of China-relevance, journal focus, and h5-index metrics. Here is the full list:

    China Journal, Journal of Contemporary China, China Quarterly, Modern China, China Information, China: An International Journal, Twentieth-Century China, China Review, Journal of Modern Chinese History, Asia Policy, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Asian Studies Review, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Chinese Studies in History, Chinese Historical Review, Journal of Economic History, International Organization, Third World Quarterly, Geopolitics, Survival, European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Strategic Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Asian Security, Security Studies, RUSI Journal, Review of International Political Economy, Defence and Peace Economics, Pacific Review, Contemporary Security Policy, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Chinese Governance, Political Communication, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Global Media and China, Media, Culture & Society, Chinese Sociological Review, Chinese Journal of Communication, Social Sciences in China, International Journal of Cultural Policy, Chinese Economic Studies, China Economic Journal, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Asia Pacific Business Review, Economic and Political Studies, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.